Static Residential Proxies Pricing
Static (ISP) residential proxies with high speed and unlimited bandwidth
Avg. 99.5% success rates
Avg. 0.6s response time
Automatic proxy rotation
  • proxycc Validity period
  • proxycc Traffic
  • proxycc IP amount
  • proxycc Country-level targeting
  • proxycc Sub-accounts
  • proxycc 24/7 support
  • Validity period
  • Traffic
  • IP amount
  • Country-level targeting
  • Sub-accounts
  • 24/7 support
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Elite data services for top-tier business requirements
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Why Choose PROXY.CC Residential Proxy?
State & City-level Targeting
Our Residential Proxy network covers 200 locations and offers country, city, and state-level geo-location targeting.
Safe & Anonymous
Get highly anonymous real residential IPs and your privacy safety completely protected.
Convenient Operation
Generate proxies by the method of username & password authentication, convenient and fast.
Unlimited Sessions
There is no limit to the number of uses or invocation frequencies of the proxies. You can generate huge amounts of proxies at one time.
Rich Residential IP Resources
We ensure that our IP proxy resources are stable and reliable, and we constantly strive to expand the current proxy pool to fit every customer's needs.
Stable & Efficient
Abundant bandwidth support business demands. 99.5% success rate guarantee data collection activities.
IP Resources for Any Use Case
Market Research
Monitor market trends and analyze competitor activity from anywhere in the world without restrictions.
SEO Monitoring
Easily collect valuable SEO data,conduct competitor research,monitor SERPs,and access localized content.
Social Media Marketing
Manage your social media presence, easily enter new markets without geographic restrictions.
Web Scraping
Comprehensive insight into the market and competitor information one step ahead.
Explore more
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Static Residential Proxies available for all operating systems and devices?
Static Residential Proxies are typically compatible with a wide range of operating systems and devices, including Windows, MacOS, Linux and mobile devices, allowing users to choose the appropriate proxy settings as needed
How do Static Residential Proxies cope with the detection and blocking mechanisms of target websites?
Static Residential Proxies effectively circumvent the detection and blocking mechanisms of target websites by providing real residential IP addresses. Our system constantly optimises the proxy algorithm to improve the success rate and stealth of the task, ensuring that the user's operations are not identified and blocked.
How long does it take to receive Static Residential Proxies after payment?
After payment, PROXY.CC proxy will reach PROXY.CC account immediately, if you find that it doesn't reach immediately, please contact our customer service.
Do you support refunds for Static Residential Proxies I have purchased?
We only offer refunds if the service does not work or performs poorly. If you have found problems with PROXY.CC proxy, please contact our customer support.
How do I set up and use Static Residential Proxies?
After purchasing Static Residential Proxies, you can enter your personal centre and click "Account Password Extraction" under "Get Proxy" to enter the extraction page. After selecting the proxy type and extraction parameters, click "Generate" button to generate the proxy. Finally, click "Copy Link" button to copy the proxy to clipboard. For details, please refer to [Static Residential Proxy Account Password Authentication].