Terms of Service
Welcome to Proxy.CC (hereinafter referred to as 'we', 'our' or 'service')! Please read the following terms of service (hereinafter referred to as 'terms') carefully before using the proxy services provided by Proxy.CC. By visiting or using us Services, you (the 'User') indicate that you have read, understood and agree to abide by all the provisions of these Terms.
1. Service description
(1) Proxy.CC provides high-performance network proxy services, aiming to help users access Internet content securely and anonymously, and improve online privacy and freedom. We provide different levels of service packages. For details on specific functions, restrictions and fees, please Refer to the official website service description
2. Conditions of use
(1) Users must be over 18 years old or use the service under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian.
(2) Users may not use the service to engage in illegal activities, including but not limited to copyright infringement, spreading malware, sending spam, or invading the privacy rights of others.
3. Subscription and payment
(1) Users need to choose an appropriate subscription plan and complete the payment process. We reserve the right to change prices, but will notify existing users in advance.
(2) All fees must be paid in full before the subscription begins. We process payments through a third-party payment processor and do not store credit card information.
4. Service availability
(1) We strive to ensure the stability and availability of the service, but do not guarantee that it will be uninterrupted, error-free or absolutely secure.
(2) We have the right to suspend or terminate some or all functions of the service at any time for maintenance or other reasons.
5. User Responsibility
(1) Users are responsible for their use of the service, including uploading, downloading or transmitting data.
(2) Any violation of these terms may result in account suspension or termination without refund.
6. Privacy and Data Processing
(1) We are committed to processing user data in accordance with our privacy policy. Please refer to the independent privacy policy document for details.
7. Refund and Cancellation
(1) Users can cancel the service at any time during the subscription period, but fees paid are generally not refundable, except in accordance with applicable law or our refund policy.
(2) Refund requests under specific circumstances will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
8. Legal jurisdiction and dispute resolution
(1) These terms are governed by the laws of our location. Any disputes arising from the service should first be resolved through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, it will be submitted to the court with jurisdiction where we are located for litigation.
9. User Rights
(1) We reserve the right to modify these terms at any time. The modified terms will take effect after they are posted on the website. Continued use of the service is deemed to accept the modifications.
(2) For major changes, we will notify users in advance via email or website announcement.
10. Contact us
(1) If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us via [email protected].